As a Professional Counsellor and a Kinesiologist: I have a proven track record of working with clients from all age brackets with a diverse range of issues.
I completed an Advanced Diploma in Kinesiology in 2007, at The Kinesiology College of Ireland and working as a fully accredited member of the Kinesiology Association of Ireland since 2007.
In 2013 I was awarded a B.A. Hons Degree in Counselling & Psychotherapy at Irish College of Humanities & Applied Sciences (ICHAS), Limerick and became a fully accredited member with the Association of Professional Counsellors and Psychotherapists (APCP) since 2014.
I am committed to working within the remit of service and the Association of Professional Counsellors and Psychotherapists (APCP) code of ethics and practice and the Kinesiology Association of Ireland (KAI).