Moving Forward
With so much information being fed to us, with such difference of opinion, it is hard not to get overwhelmed and confused at times. To help put some format and take a holistic view to help in moving forward, I have put together a Raphael Kinesiology Clinic view that may possibly help.
As we prepare to move out in the world and into Phase Two or await the apparently ‘Second wave’ of Covid. Interestingly, the number 2 in the Angel meanings is associated with: Harmony, Balance, Consideration and Love. When it comes up it’s Telling us: to have more faith in the Angels.
In Numerology, the number 2 depicts: the Feminine Force, bringing Cooperation, with the aim to bring Grace, Power and Peace to a situation.
In the bible, the number 2 conveys: Union, Division or Verification of the Facts by Witnesses.
Kinesiology works on a holistic view and I incorporate the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels into my sessions.
Physical Body
We have learned from the clear explanations by Dr Zach Bush and Professor Dolores Cahill, that viruses have been travelling the world naturally for centuries and are a natural part of human’s biology adaptation to the environment. A virus is a genetic upgrade of information that is required for our survival to the bio diversity of the environment we live in and the environment of our body. The virus itself has so few genes that it cannot break down health, but it is the disruption in our own biology and our own immune reaction to the update / repair or change required in our body, that provides the symptoms. With the continued industrialisation of farming, use of chemicals and pollution levels, worldwide the quality of all our microbiome is weakening , our toxicity levels are rising and our bodies antioxidant ability is degrading, so it is inevitable that some of us struggle with these viral updates . How we can we help ourselves?
- Improve your Gut Microbiome – increase fibre intake, have organic fruit and veg in season, increase polyphenol foods – nuts, seeds, brassicas etc., eat plenty fermented foods.
- Eat farm / organic meat as much as possible.
- Follow anti – inflammatory diet – lot of recent research points inflammation as a major contributor to a lot of chronic diseases.
- Avoid artificial and processed foods.
- Avoid and eliminate the body’s absorption of heavy metals – Need to monitor & reduce intake of metals & chemicals through food, cookware, personal care – Hair, Make Up and Beauty products, Deodorants, Toothpaste etc.
- Improve immune resilience – for vitamin D if can get 15/20 mins of unprotected sun a day , regular exercise, have FUN, get outside in Nature and if possible get some healthy air.
- Healthy and adequate Sleep levels.
- Reduce electromagnetic exposure – laptops, games, phones etc
- Practise exercise, Mindfulness, Yoga, and meditation, whatever you like – but need to manage stress to a healthy level.
Over the last three months I believe most of us have experienced on a daily basis, a roller coaster and whirl wind of emotions. The emotional state could change by the hour or day; from feeling okay to despair, from happy to despair, from turmoil to harmony, from fear to belief, anger to peace and anywhere in between.
The level of emotional upheaval due to the changes and disruption of our daily lives, structure, family & social connection, our livelihoods has been great for all people, of all ages. As time goes on there is mounting pressures and worries for people around financial / job security , relationship issues, physical and mental health concerns etc. etc.
So it is important in moving forward emotionally that we:
- Congratulate ourselves for Coping so far, keeping afloat on these emotional choppy waters and keeping as ‘sane’ as we can right now.
- Allow the feelings to come up – feel them. It is automatic response to the sensory load around us
- Name the feelings and acknowledge them, it is okay to feel whatever you feel right now.
- Release the feelings, let them go – E Motion – leave them move on. Get distracted.
- Ground yourself daily – get outside with nature if can, practise mindfulness, meditation etc.
- Keep connected with others – if cannot do so physically, make sure to do verbally and by technology.
- Need to have FUN, it is OKAY – Laugh A LOT at whatever makes you happy.
- Mega Important – TRUST yourself – Go with your own feelings and intuition. If you feel confused and overwhelmed by all the ‘noise’ and ‘opinions’ of others around you – take time out to actively listen to yourself, trust yourself and on what is right for you right now.
At times, the news feed and main stream media were overwhelming and overly negative on an hourly basis. Searching on a daily basis on the mainstream media, trying to find some form of positivity and some level of proactivity that could be taken in these times i.e. improving your immune functionality or mental / emotional resilience , to say it was lacking is an understatement. It could be viewed that there was no input or understanding of the psychological impact on people of the daily pounding of negativity, hopelessness and alarmism of the MSM. It was frightening at how much google / u tube / face book / twitter were censored and at times for no apparent reason. The level of gas lighting going on by Mainstream Social Media (MSM) is an issue.
So maybe now is a good time to ground yourself, trust yourself and take back your mind to your own pragmatic, own values /ethics approach and your very own filtering system. A possible help in mentally doing so moving forward:
- We may need to increase our understanding on how we are different beings, with different beliefs, views, and understanding and in different places. It is helpful to respect, cooperate and take into consideration those differences.
- It may help if we can stay open minded to new information and understandings on this journey. Some people are science / medical based, others have a holistic and natural understanding, and some have environmental and spiritual focus. Maybe it is a combination of all, but if we can the main objective is to learn and grow through this process.
- Keep grounded in your thinking process, do what you need to keep calm as much as possible and avoid as much as possible getting stuck in negative thinking loop. Increase time in nature if you can.
- Maintain an internal focus on control; reflect on what areas of my life I want to improve on going forward. What needs I need to work more on; where in my life do I need more balancing and self-care. What did I learn about myself in this process? What are my goals moving ahead? Take control of your own life as much as it is possible, right now.
- Keep talking and connecting with others, vitally important to put things into perspective. Keep laughing and have FUN. Open up to other supports if you need right now – they are there.
- As humans we have survived so far, we are engineered to survive as a race, so maintain Hope, Confidence and Belief in ourselves that we will survive this too.
Some people believe Mother Nature needed a detox from an environmental perspective, and we as humans were not listening too well, so possibly a combination of factors aligned and the earth took control and the time out for a while to start healing itself.
Others believe that due to the poor quality of our soil, the high level of chemicals in our system, the level of toxic air pollution and the impact this has on us individually, that it was only a matter of time that our overloaded system had an overreaction to a natural viral process.
Some people believe that for the earth spiritually to adjust to the 5th dimensional level, we needed time out to allow the planes move from the 3rd dimension – the ego level to the bigger picture 5th dimensional level. That the higher power is within each and everyone of us and that we individually have to dig deep to connect and come from a soul place of understanding.
Others believe that this was our world war, with the help of social media, the hysteria and control of people and erosion of their civil liberties was orchestrated by a handful of powerful people that wanted more profit, control or whatever fuels them.
Others believe it was an opportunity for the community minded to show how fragile our worlds are, how connected we all are, how dependant on one another we are and just how good people can be in looking after one another in tough times.
Again maybe it wasn’t just one belief maybe it was a combination of many.
Regardless, possibly the most important thing that may help is to maintain in your inner power place, you are your own internal focus of control, maintain your sense of self-empowerment and operate on what works for you, but remain mindful of others, they may have different needs and possibly may be on different wavelengths and have their own beliefs.